On Thursday the 1st of June we held a come and try night for people interested in our new training band.
The band is going to start from the very beginning – this means that if you have no previous musical experience or knowledge, you will be able to join! As we’re going from the very beginning, we will cover how to make sounds on the instruments, how to read music and how to play notes. All that is required is an interest in playing.
We had roughly thirty people attend the come and try night last week, and on the 8th of June we will have our first rehearsal. The youngest person we had interested is around the age of five, but we had a few adults come and register their interest in joining the training band, too.
The way it ran was in two sections – an area for woodwind and an area for brass and percussion. The guests slowly came around and looked at all the different instruments – everything from flute to tuba to timpani – and they had a go at making some sounds.
We got a lot of interest, but now it is up to the perspective members to hire (or beg or borrow) their own instruments.
The costs for joining the training band are minimal at only $10 per term. We rehearse from 5:45 until 6:45 every Thursday, and it will line up with the school term and the school holidays.
I started my journey with WCB ten years ago this year, and as somebody that actually began in our previous training band, this is something that is very special and very near and dear to my heart.
If it wasn’t for the training band, I would not have developed my skills to where they are now, and I would not have found this beautiful group of people that I am lucky enough to call my second family.
If you are interested in getting involved with the training band, it’s never too late! Contact Corrina Busby on 0432 703 458.